How to get your startup noticed on social media
Social media is one of the most popular marketing tools for attracting funding, talent, and customer interest. But with a startup, you have a bold idea, few resources, and no online presence. Achieving social media fame can be your gateway to getting your startup off the ground. For an easier approach, you can also hire the best social media agency in Delhi to help you with the process. Here are some strategies to help you get off the ground and build a social media presence: Set clear goals With so many social media platforms available, choose the platform that is most commonly used by your target audience. For example, LinkedIn would be the best choice for B2B companies or brands with more engaging products, Instagram and Facebook. maybe considered. The key is to research where your target audience spends the most time and focus on that. Whichever platform you choose, make sure you learn how to optimize the tools the platform provides. LinkedIn – Earlier only influencers could post...