Stats to enhance your 2022 marketing strategies


Any social media agency in Delhi will make you familiar with the practice of expecting the unexpected. The whole year of 2020 is a live example of how organisations and marketers pivoted their original strategies to meet the new normal due to the pandemic and nationwide protests.
Though it is not possible to predict what is going to happen in the upcoming year, applying whatever you learned from the previous year would be a thoughtful idea. You can apply those learnings to improve your marketing strategies. While thinking of the future, here are some stats that you should consider to enhance your marketing strategies.

The public follows brands on social media platforms to get updated on their latest products and services.
While there is a fraction of the public going through a brand’s feed for entertainment purposes or getting humour, there is also a section that is in the hope to get to know about the latest products and services of your brand. This concludes the fact that no release or no launch is extremely big or small to share on such social media platforms.

Apart from just posting about your products and services, try posting stuff that is most valuable to your audience. For instance, If you are a brand selling sports products, then you should consider posting something informative relating to the sports industry. While planning the type of content to post on social media, do not forget to update the audience every moment there is a change.

Poor customer service corresponds to reducing social followers count
Being a marketer, you can never afford to ignore the questions your audience ask you over any social media platform. Noting that, customer service on social media should be on your top radar to ace the game of social media marketing.

While planning to improve your social media marketing strategies, give time to evaluate the handling of customer enquiries and what best your team can do to address them. Have a hawk view for opportunities to address the queries of the general public directly. Moreover, there is a range of social media marketing tools to help you with the same, know how to leverage them.

Another factor that matters is your speed to respond to the audience queries, suggestions, feedback and reviews. Responding fast not only solves the issues quickly but also develops a trust factor around the brand. Moreover, quick response and meeting audience expectations will help the customers to stick with your brand for a longer period.

Images and videos should be posted consistently on your feed
Not just posting content relevant to your audience is important, but also the way in which you deliver it matters significantly. There would be a part of the audience that gets fascinated by photos, while others find their interests in videos. One thing that you can consider doing is turning your text posts into visual content to make it more engaging and appealing for your audience.

Do not forget to leverage social media marketing tools to make the greatest impact
It is okay to spend a significant amount of time on your brand. But doesn’t it sound better to use that time effectively and efficiently? This is possible with the various professional social media marketing tools available for businesses to boost their strategies. You can save much of your time and manage everything evenly, in an orderly way simultaneously.

There are various tools to automate your work like content scheduling and make things easy for you to execute.

Take Learnings from the past to move ahead
 No one can pretend the future events or what is on the way in coming times. But what we can do from our side is to apply what we learned in the past. The year 2020 passed with numerous lessons to the world, the business world is no exception to it. Learning and implementing is an ongoing process and one must follow it.


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